
Tuesday August 20, 2013

Just finished an exciting two day session on Alexis. She asked me for a half sleeve based on a painting I did in 2009 called Innerstate, titled after a live performance that we hosted where tattooists were invited to explore the inner realms of their unique vision to better channel a personal style by exploring a more visionary approach to their artwork. Be sure to check out Innerstate an amazing book and documentary produced by artist Guy Aitchison.

It felt natural to reference my painting and as a result subtle nuance with color and texture made its way into the tattoo that might not have occurred in the same manner otherwise. I like the way all the shapes landed on her arm and how it moves with her figure.  I really enjoy the symbolism and cerebral qualities of this piece and am so honored to have a chance to tattoo this on Alexis. 

We are off to a good start, here are some pics from her recent session at Hyperspacestudios.